Under the Programme to Increase the Resilience of the Main Road Network in FBiH, workshop on climate resilience risk assessment was held today in the business premises of the PC Roads of the FBiH.
Within the framework of the Federation Road Sector Modernization Project (P152406), PC Roads of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized today a public opening of bids for reconstruction of Crnaja Tunnel at the main road...
PC Roads of the FBH Ltd Sarajevo invites all interested parties, non-governmental organizations and residents of Ključ Municipality and settlements neighbouring the area of intended rehabilitation of bridge over River Sana, to tak...
PC Roads of the FBH Ltd Sarajevo invites all interested parties, non-governmental organizations and residents of Jajce Municipality and settlements neighbouring the area of intended rehabilitation of bridge over River Pliva, to ta...
PC Roads of the FBH Ltd Sarajevo invites all interested parties, non-governmental organizations and residents of Ilijaš Municipality and settlements neighbouring the area of intended rehabilitation of bridge over River Ljub...
PC Roads of the FBH Ltd Sarajevo invites all interested parties, non-governmental organizations and residents of Travnik Municipality and settlements neighbouring the area of intended rehabilitation of bridge Komar accros deep obs...
PC Roads of the FBH Ltd Sarajevo invites all interested parties, non-governmental organizations and residents of Bugojno Municipality and settlements neighbouring the area of intended rehabilitation of bridge over River Vrbas, to...
Contracts for Works for Completion of main road M18, section Kladanj – Podpaklenik including Karaula mountain pass and Contract for Engineer Services for the same section have been signed today in the premises of the PC Road...