New Contracts for the Construction of Third Lanes
New contracts for the construction of third lanes for slow vehicles were signed today under the Federation Roads Modernization Program.
The following Contracts were signed today:
- Lot 1 - Construction of third lane for slow vehicles, M15 Borova Glava and M16 Trivunova krivina
The awarded contractor is JV Livnoputovi d.o.o. Livno, Putovi d.o.o. Grude and HP Investing d.o.o. Mostar. The value of the contract is BAM 5.638.952, 41 (including VAT) while the time for completion is 12 months. - Lot 2 - Construction of third lane for slow vehicles, M14.2 Drvar - Resanovci
The awarded contractor is JV Jata Group d.o.o. Srebrenik and Roco-commerce d.o.o. Livno. The time for completion is six months and the value of the contract is BAM 1.615.684, 01 KM (including VAT).
The contracts will be financed by loans from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB).