Public Consultations on draft Environmental and Social Management Plan for the project of the improvements of the tunnel „Vranduk II“ and bridge over Bosna...

PC Roads of the FBH Ltd Sarajevo invites all interested parties, non-governmental organizations and residents of Zenica City and settlements neighbouring the area of intended improvements of the tunnel „Vranduk II“ and bridge over Bosna river „Bosna IV“, to take part in public consultations.

The Public Consultations will take place on April 26, 2018 at 12.00 in the premises of the community center – MZ Vranduk in Vranduk, with the aim of collecting views and opinions of the stakeholders and addressing the relevant issues into the final version of the document. The document was drafted under the Roads Modernization Programme, in line with the policies of funding institutions. The draft document can be found on the official website of the PC Roads of the FBH at the following link and on the website of Zenica City.

All interested parties who are not able to attend the public consultations can submit their suggestions and comments by April 26, 2018 via e-mail address:


  1. Presentation of Environmental and Social Management Plan for the project of the improvements of the tunnel „Vranduk II“ and bridge over Bosna river „Bosna IV“,
  2. Questions, discussion, answers and explanations.