Axle Load Control

In accordance with the Road Act of the Federation of BH, the obligation of the road manager is to provide total weight, dimensions and axel load control of vehicles on public road. To protect the road by the means of movable scales against damages caused by overloaded heavy goods vehicles, Roads of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina provides planned axle road control. The legislation stipulates that these activities are to be carried out in the presence of representatives of internal affairs authorities or members of the Federal Administration for Inspection Issues.

Control of axle load, total permissible weight and dimensions of the vehicle shall be carried out in accordance with the Ordinance on Determining Conditions for Provision of Extraordinary Transport (Official Gazette of the FBH, No. 75/2010) and the Regulation on Dimensions, Total Weight and Axel Load of Vehicles, Instruments and Equipment that Vehicles must possess and General Conditions which Instruments and Equipment must meet for road transport (Official Gazette of FBH, No. 23/2007).

If the control referred to in the previous paragraph establishes that the vehicle dimensions, its total weight or axle load exceeds the permissible load, size and weight, that the transport is being carried out without a permit for extraordinary transport or that the size of the extraordinary transport does not correspond to the size specified by the relevant permit, the vehicle shall then be excluded from the traffic. Due to the road overloading, the carrier will pay due fee for extraordinary public transport and the costs of control provided.

Furthermore, if a driver refuses the control of vehicle weight and axle load by the authorized person, the driver shall be also excluded from the traffic, together with the vehicle. The carrier may proceed with the transportation after paying the pertaining fee to the road manager, obtaining an extraordinary transport clearance and adjusting the total weight of the vehicle and its axle load with the prescribed norms and conditions set by the permit.

At the time the vehicle is excluded from the traffic, the carrier shall take due care of the excluded vehicle and bear all the consequences of its exclusion from the traffic.